Hartford Upper Elementary
500 N Vine Street 3rd Tuesday of odd months 4:15-6:15pm (September, November, January, March, May and July( Diapers are picked up the 4th Thursday of the month from 8:00-11:00am and 3:00-6:00pm. You MUST register to participate. Information can be found at https://www.shortyears.org/diaper-bank.
Short Years Diaper Pick-Up (Warren) Pick-up takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month from 8-11 AM and 3–6 PM (dates may vary around holidays). Monthly registration is required for qualifying participants. For more information visit https://www.shortyears.org/diaper-bank. Short Years Diaper Pick-Up (Marion) Pick-up takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month from 1:00–5:00 PM (dates may vary around holidays). Monthly registration is required for qualifying participants. For more information visit https://www.shortyears.org/diaper-bank. Short Years Diaper Pick-Up (Madison) Pick-up takes place on the 4th Thursday of each month from 4:30–6:00 PM (dates may vary around holidays). Monthly registration is required for qualifying participants. For more information visit https://www.shortyears.org/diaper-bank. 515 N Jefferson Way, Suite F
Indianola, Iowa 50125 (515) 971-2977 www.shortyears.org The Child Abuse Prevention Council of Warren County is part of the Short Years Partnership and offers research-based educational programming for parents, professionals, and community members. Programs include Learn & Play, Parent Cafe, Stewards of Children sexual abuse prevention education and Dad's with a Purpose. 906 S Jefferson Way
Indianola, Iowa 50125 www.healhouseofiowa.org Homeless, Empowerment and Love 2600 72nd Street, Suite A
Urbandale, Iowa 50322 (515) 261-3719 www.fouroaks.org Foster & Adoptive Support Group Vivian (765) 412-1498 Brooke (319) 240-8322 Meets monthly on the 3rd Tuesday from 6:00-8:00pm. Call above numbers for further details on location. 9421 Market Place Drive
Norwalk, Iowa 50211 (515) 974-0800 213 E Main Street, Suite 103
Knoxville, Iowa 50138 (641) 842-4312 800-350-9209 Martensdale City Hall
380 Iowa Avenue P.O. Box 109 Martensdale, Iowa 50160 (641) 764-2622 (641) 764-2822 (fax) First United Methodist Church
307 W Ashland Avenue Indianola, Iowa 50125 Every Tuesday from 5:15-6:15pm 515-961-5317 *Drive Thru off Salem Avenue Table of Plenty Community Dinner 5:30-6:30pm 2nd Thursday Redeemer Lutheran Church 1410 West Boston Avenue (515) 961-6148 3rd Thursday Lighthouse Community Center 109 W Boston |